La Subida a capo della Top 10 dell’Holiday Architecture

La Subida è stata eletta la più popolare new entries del 2010 tra le case vacanza e gli hotels del famoso sito tedesco Urlaubsarchitektur – Holiday Architecture.

Country/Region: IT-Italy, Cormons (GO) (~60km from Trieste)
Name: La Subida
Scenery: Friuli (Friaul)
Lodging: 3 houses (houses of the wood, house of the vinegard factory)
Architecture: modern, old&new
Completion: new
Architect: Adriano Zuppel, IT-Gradisca D’Isonzo
Press/Publication: ./.
Awards: ./.
Special Features: La Subida has a Trattoria and an Osteria. There are 2 other houses for rent (Country house & Grandmothers House) which are in traditional style.

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